The boys original due date was 12/13/14 (cool right?) but we knew with twins we wouldn't be allowed to go full term. As mentioned before, I refrained from posting much because although the pregnancy was going smooth, I wasn't going to fully accept that I was going to be a mom to my twin boys till they were screaming in my arms. That. has. finally. happened.
Becky was doing 2x a week appointments to have the boys monitored and have her blood pressure checked. Due to twins she had also developed minor gestational diabetes so they wanted to be extra safe. The boys passed every test with flying colors and Becky was constantly compliment "GREAT JOB" by the doctors and us. I mentioned it before but at just 18 weeks her cervix was measuring under 2cm (anything under 2.5 is worrisome). We were prepared for the chance of pre-term labor but we wanted to make it into the 30's (Jude and Brinly were born at 18 and 21). Becky's cervix held strong and always stayed "stable" ranging from 1.2 cm to 2.5.
On Friday, November 14, 2014, just 3 days short from the day Jude was born still the year before, she went in for a weekly appointment and they noticed a higher blood pressure. After some monitoring they determined she was at the start of pre-eclampsia and since the boys were 1 day short of 36 weeks they decided that would be the day. My first text from Becky was "I'm being monitored to be safe" then 2 hours later turned to "Today's the day, I'm next in line for the C-section, it will be in about TWO HOURS."
We packed quickly and sped to the hospital. Although I wasn't in labor, I told Darren this maybe his only chance in our lifetime to speed to the hospital because our babies were on their way.
We got there with lots of time to spare. I was so so so so so excited. Almost giddy. Although 35 weeks 6 days is still fairly early, this felt like full term to us when we had been praying for at least 30 weeks (and after praying Jude and Brinly would just make it to 24). The nurses were excited too and Becky looked peaceful and beautiful. She didn't have much time to get nervous since it was all happening so fast.
Darren and I had hired a lawyer to help us with the paperwork so the boys were legally ours at birth-so the hospital gave us our own room right next to Aunt Becky and Uncle Tom. The doctors also agreed that although it was a C-section, to let ALL of us (Tom, Darren and I) in the delivery room.
They took Becky back alone to give her the spinal and then came and got us (we were all scrubbed up). Darren and I got to sit at her feet in the operation room and could see everything. It was all happening so fast and it felt like a dream. I asked Tom to pinch me (he did).

This is when the crying began. The healing type of crying. Sobbing really. The reality that exactly one year ago I was in labor with Jude who was destined to die and now 2 new sons who I would hold and hear crying overwhelmed me. As they pulled them out I was crying "they are so big, they are so big" 5 pounds 10 ounces and 5 pounds 13 ounces. Most people in the room were probably thinking "these are late preterm babies, they are not that big" but to me, in comparison with my 1 pound son I held last, these boys were full grown babies.
The nurses took them over to their little stations. It took Noah a bit to breathe on his own, but no NICU for either. The moment didn't feel real. Once Beckom was ready to be weighed the nurse said "okay mom (OMG MOM! Me??) take him over to the scale" and I carried him. I carried Jude and Brinly's live little brother as he screamed all the way over. A few minutes later I brought him over for Becky to meet.
Shortly after, they brought us to the recovery room and I got to nurse them both at the same time. I induced lactation (more on that later) so I was able to provide them with my own breast milk after birth. Family came in shortly after to meet the little miracle boys while we took turns snuggling them.
Here are some pictures from the delivery room: