Today we went to OHSU (the clinic were we did all previous IVFs) to ask them questions and talk about possible future protocols for me or a surrogate when the time is right. We have 1 paid for frozen transfer left we have to use by the end of next year.
I was fine pulling in to OHSU but then it hit me as we got out of the car in the parking garage. Last time I was here I was leaving pregnant with three alive babies inside me. At the 12 week mark I honestly thought the only reason I would ever pull into that lot again would be to try to give my triplets (then twins) siblings with left over embryos. It was strange and sad.
Then we got inside the hospital. The smell of the place brought back so many IVF memories. The hope the fear. I could smell that sterile smell only hospitals offer. And coffee in the lobby. I remembered oh-to-well to push floor ten on the elevator. Back to square one. Again.
It's actually rough because this year ended up being a worse parallel of last year. Last year I miscarried early after our first IVF and had a D&C in December; I was then forced to wait to try again for 3 months. Now, here I am, 1 year later in a worse spot. I just delivered 2 stillborns. It's been a month but I still am bleeding. My stomach has so much loose skin. Again, we cannot "try again" until I'm healed up from the deliveries. And trying again is much much harder and much for intense for infertile couples. It involves drugs, and shots, and money, and vaginal ultrasounds, and blood draws, and a lot of worry and fear. Having sex to have a baby?? (insert sarcastic laugh here and imagine me slapping my knee).
Hope is a ridiculous thing. Even in that moment that I was in labor and they had given me the epidural and then pulled out the cerclage, we were still HOPING that for some reason I would just deliver the infected placenta. After this crazy living hell we have just experienced, we find ourselves deeply saddened but more hopeful than ever that this is not the end for us. Hope will NOT leave me alone. It won't stop whispering. I can't stop dreaming of the future. Of things going right. Of our family. Of Jude and Brinly's LIVING siblings. I hope for them.

Whether we do the transfer, or transfer into a surrogate, based on my age she thinks there is a 50% (people in their 20s at my clinic have a 60%ish chance but she said frozen is a little less). We have some pretty good embryos frozen. I'm not overly hopeful for them as my FET last time was the only IVF that had nothing implant. BUT, it's all a gamble in the IVF world. I follow 3 blogs where they just did their last FET and it worked (meaning like 3 frozen transfers before failed). I would be sad if the transfer didn't work, but sad doesn't seem the right word based on the fact that I truly know what "sad" means.
I joined a couple of facebook support groups for women who have lost all multiples and for women who have lost due to water breaking too early. Everyone mourns differently. I still cannot believe what happened, it all seems like a sad scary dream, but the best way I personally can cope is move forward. I want to meet their siblings more than ever.
I think choosing to remain hopeful is the bravest thing you and Darren can do. I will remain hopeful for you both as well, and pray that whatever you choose to do in the next few months results in Brinly and Jude having siblings!
ReplyDeleteI agree. The two of you live your lives facing fear in the face and you walk right over it. You are brave. You keep hope alive and moving forward. THAT my friend is true bravery.
ReplyDeleteHolly, I'd love to exchange emails personally. You are right, everyone does grieve/mourn differently and honestly.. each of the almost 9 years since I delivered my stillborn, I've mourned in a different way. This year, it's completely different because I am also suffering the loss of a miscarried baby-- one that I've longed for since I lost Miller and one that we tried to have for almost nine months after which I gave up and then got pregnant. And the worst part is that my fiance doesn't know how to support me with the miscarriage.. it's almost "nothing" to him. Anyway.. I'd love to talk to you. Hang in there.. my prayers for strength are so totally there for you! (
ReplyDeleteI have never stopped praying for you guys. I really do believe that you will meet Brinly and Jude's siblings. I refuse to think otherwise. You are always in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteHope can real be such a pest... won't leave us alone! But I'm glad hope keeps pestering you! I really believe Brinly and Jude have future LIVING siblings! But I'm so impressed with your ability to go back, to walk through the doors... it's kind of amazing you don't have PTSD type reactions to the hospital smells and such! Hopeful that your meeting with the MFS goes well! Thinking of you always!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad talking to the RE made you feel better. Mine was similarly encouraging. I can so relate to the fear, but also the hope - and the desire to meet our babies living siblings. It's great that you have until the end of next year, so that you don't need to rush and can give your body some time to heal. The emotional healing, well, that's harder, and as you say everyone grieves differently. Hoping the MFM has encouraging news for you, too.
ReplyDeleteHope does not disappoint. Romans 5:3-5. It won't leave me alone too! So I'm counting on God doing something about it. I pray He does the same for you.
ReplyDeleteStill over here thinking & praying for you and Darren constantly. I can feel it in my heart that you WILL hold Brinly & Jude's siblings, I don't think you would feel this deep feeling of hope & empowerment if the Lord wasn't calling you forward to do what he meant for you to do- be a mother to living angels. I honestly think B & J are right there with you, and are SO proud of you for not giving up. I know every single one of us are proud of you, Holly. I am here if I can do anything for your at all. Praying, praying, praying!
ReplyDeleteYour courage and faith inspire me....I am praying sooooo hard for you guys, and for the decisions that will have to be made eventually...But most of all, i am praying for comfort, and healing ( emotionally and physically)....<3
ReplyDeleteYou are beautiful inside and out! I can't wait to hear all the joyful miraculous stories of your journey! Praying for you!
ReplyDeleteI came across your blog really randomly. Short synopsis...a girl (Meg Brink) that follows you follows When Hello Means Good-Bye (and I also follow this blog). Anyways I was really moved by this last post and it finally prompted me to write to you. (I have only been following your blog for a week or so now). Your post was most of the feelings I had 3 years ago. It was like I went back to that time. Everything you wrote it what I felt. DON'T stop dreaming of the future. Of things going right. Of YOUR family. Of Jude and Brinly's LIVING siblings. KEEP hoping for them. With that said I whole heartedly agree that everyone mourns differently. But I pray that you continue to push forward holding on to HOPE...because JOY does COME in the morning!!! And I will constantly be praying that soon you will feel JOY again when holding J and B's sibling(s)!!!
ReplyDelete3.5 years ago I lost twin girls due to an infection (born 6 days apart). I too have to do IVF. After the girls I had a canceled cycle, a failed cycle, a cycle that ended in an m/c that I needed a d&c for and then finally my miracle boy was born in December 2011. I prayed and prayed and prayed that whole pregnancy and yes every twitch and pain caused worry but I was seen weekly by my high risk OB and went weekly to a pregnancy after loss counselor...and I made it. I remember those first few weeks/months after loss (no way about it they are exhausting and hard) but just like for you getting questions answered was big for me too so I pray that you get the answers you want and that you are able to continue to push forward towards the future. Towards B and J's siblings!!! Much love and prayers continuously coming your way.
I love your positive outlook amidst all the heartache you have endured. Keep hoping and believing that God can do the impossible. When it comes to God, statistics, odds, and chances mean nothing. With Him anything and everything is 100% if we put our hope and faith in Him. Without hope, faith has nothing to be launched from. I'm inspired by your hope! xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteContinuing to lift you up in prayer and hoping with you
ReplyDeleteContinuing to think about you! Hope you can cling to Romans 5:5 during this time!
ReplyDeleteI think about you all the time. I am in awe of your perspective and determination. Sending lots of love your way.
ReplyDeleteSending prayers your way!
ReplyDeleteWe use the same clinic, OHSU, so I can picture clearly what it was like for you to walk in and press that button to the 10th floor. I have no idea if this helps or not, but my success story has come from a FET of two emababies. It was our very last shot at getting pregnant and what do you know? It actually worked. Knowing that we have worked with the same RE's, the same clinic that has frozen our embryos, I can only hope for the best for you as well. I am looking forward to learning what the MFM doctors have to say about your chances. Whether you carry the siblings, or go the route of a circuit, I wish you the very best. God bless.